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Copyright © Aircraft Service US 2010. All rights reserved.



Our purpose equipped sail loft is laid out to manufacture and repair flexwing and 3-axis wing covers in the most efficient way.  Two types of industrial sewing machines are employed to cater for straight and zig-zag stitching.  We manufacture and repair sails, upholstery, seats, parachutes, storage bags, wing bags and packing sets, and many other types of software.


Sail manufactures and repairs are completed in our UK workshops and are carried out to the exacting standards required in the aircraft industry.


Wendy Philips, who runs the sail loft, learned her trade in the RAF as a seamstress and upholsterer.  She then honed her skills as a sail-maker in the largest CAA approved manufacturer of microlight aircraft aircraft and hang gliders.  Latterly, in this role she ran a team of 5 sail-makers from a management position.  Prior to, and during her role in ultralight manufacturing, Wendy worked on parachutes and paragliders for the RAF and sport paragliding fraternity.


Our prices are competitive, our workmanship first class and our customer service excellent.